Sunday, October 10, 2010

Something New - A Utube Experience

Well this post is a little different from my usual posts but I wanted to share this with you. Actually it came about because my husband Brian came home with a new flipcamera and needed to practice using it. So of course I got the job of being his interviewy (is that a word?) or camera subject. All in all we had some fun with it and I did a little interview about Squidoo. By now I'm sure you've heard me talk about writing lens' for squidoo. As you can see in the sidebar I have over a hundred of these mini-articles featured. So instead of me writing about 'What Squidoo Is and why you should use it, I want you to watch and listen to my Utube talk.

As you know I use Squidoo to help market my Zazzle store and in a future post I'll share another talk about how I started my own unique store. Here are a couple of my recent products for you to view. For lots more interesting designs come by for a visit. Designs by Shell

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