Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Holiday Handbags

Holiday apron for the fashionable cook or baker

A cute fashion magnet for the girls or woman in your life - Glamour

A cute black holiday handbag with the message 'sparkle' accents this t-shirt

A great holiday tote, perfect for shopping or would make a nice reusable giftbag

Pretty holiday postage featuring a red handbag and a plaid design

What a gorgeous day today, the sun is shining and the sky is so blue! No matter how much sleep you've had the sun makes you feel brighter and more alert. I haven't had a great nights sleep in about 3 weeks again. Can't wait til this insomnia passes... can anyone relate? If anyone has any great remedies or tips please do tell! Oh well, I don't let it stop me from being creative and coming up with new designs for my store. This week I've been working on some cute holiday fashion designs kind of to go with the shoe theme from last week. Some trendy handbags in holiday colors. I've put these designs on postage, business cards, t-shirts, mugs etc. Lots of cute gift ideas. Stop by for a visit to see more of my creations.
Designs by Shell

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