Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My First Post

Well I can't believe I'm starting a blog! Actually I can honestly say, my husband insisted I do this! I knew I should've been leary about marrying a guy that was so into technology! Shesh! No, seriously though, if my husband hadn't told me about this article in one of his "techie" magazines I wouldn't have started my online store and I wouldn't be writing this article either!

I found out about this great site called 'Zazzle'. It is where I was able to set up an online store, called a gallery. Through this I am able to use my creative ideas, drawings, photography and apply them to useful items like Keds shoes, t-shirts, postage, greeting cards of all kinds and other cool items! I do the marketing (lots of learning here) and they make the products and ship them to my customers! I have been creating designs for just a few months now and I just love it! Yes, I have had some sales and expect to have a whole lot more! So what are you waiting for come visit my store, you never know what you'll find!

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