Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Learning Curve

Hi all, hope everyone is having a great day! The sun is shining and it's beautiful where I am!

Well I've been busy designing and creating for Christmas items the last few days! I designed an adorable stocking that I put on a festive Christmas tie. I also used it for kids t-shirts. With this design I was able to change the color and background and it made a wonderful Baby's first Christmas postage stamp too! So versatile!
My husband calls me his "Fearless Learner" as I have been learning so much in the world of computers lately! I've learned so much just from trial and error! It wasn't long ago that I was totally scared to try new things on the computer in fear of wrecking or doing something I didn't know anything about! A couple of days ago I was able to give advice to some other new on-line store owners! They were so happy and grateful when what I explained for them to do worked! That was a really nice feeling to be able to help someone! So my husband says I have now crossed over to not only being able to figure things out myself and just try things but now I can also offer help to other new store owners! That's cool!

Time for a starbucks and I better get some creating done! ;-)

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