Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sharing the Christmas Spirit

December is the month when most of us think of charitable giving, reaching out to help others less fortunate than ourselves. When you look around one doesn’t  have to look far to see people in bad situations. There are tough economic challenges that many are facing. Living in Canada I feel very blessed as we have so much to be thankful for here. There are many great charities that help those that have fallen on hard times. To name a few, The Salvation Army, Union Gospel Mission, Food banks in almost every city, many churches, I could go on.  At the church I attend we donate food appropriate for Christmas hampers and wrap these up for needy families in the area. A group of volunteers delivers them. We also have a program where once a month members in the church prepare 2000 sandwiches and these are delivered to the homeless in Vancouver.  There are many ways to spread the Christmas spirit not just at Christmas but all through the year. So for those who have plenty and can afford it you will be blessed by your giving. Gifts don’t have to be monetary, giving of your time can do wonders too.  A smile or just a few minutes of conversation can brighten someone’s day! Kindness matters!

I’m keeping busy as Zazzle has once again given us some great new products to design. Here are some of the latest designs I’ve been working on for my store Designs by Shell

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