Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Like a Lion or a Lamb

Well it’s the first day of March, hard to believe! Sometimes I feel like I’m in a time warp, it seems to be going way too fast! Well did March come in like a lion or a lamb?  If you don’t know what the saying means I’ll explain it to you. If March starts out wintery and cold, it’s like a lion but if it comes in with sunshine and warmth it is like a lamb. If March starts like a lion then usually it will end up like a lamb and vice versa so the saying goes.

I’ve been busy working on my designs for spring. Including florals, wedding themes, birthdays and thinking of June graduations. You’ve always got to be a step ahead of the seasons it seems. Here are some of my designs below. Hope you enjoy them and pop by my store Designs by Shell to see more.

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