Thursday, May 5, 2011

W is for Whatever

I gave a talk with food in my teeth, whatever...

I road my bike to church and when I got there saw a hanger sticking out my hat, whatever...

When I was asked how old I was, I forgot, whatever...

I sat in the wrong class on the first day of school, whatever...

The lady that cut my hair kept going, whatever...

I went to buy a soda and the machine vomited coins instead, whatever...

I forgot my neighbor's name, whatever...
 I asked when she was due.  Guess what?  She's not.  Whatever...

Sometimes I  shrug my shoulders and say "whatever."  Life is full of embarrassing moments, if we let the embarrassments stick, we'll be cranking out tears and moans all day long.  Laugh at the embarrassment and awkwardness of these experiences and let "Whatever"  be there instead. 

If you have a whatever moment you'd like to share, please share in the comments.  I would love to know I'm not the only one in the world that has had experiences like these.

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