Friday, January 2, 2009

Amazing Banner Creator

These are some products that I've been working on, Live Green, great for the environment!

Well this morning my husband and I were planning to go to the gym for a workout, he got up and looked out the window to more than a couple of inches of fresh snow! I can't believe how much snow we are getting! Flurries are called for today and then I think we are supposed to get rain for a few days! I hope so, I don't like driving in all this winter weather! Oh well, a home day again! :-)
I wanted to tell you about this great 'Instant Banner Creator'! If you don't know what a banner is, it's the header at the top of my blog. I created this one using the 'Instant Banner Creator', it is completely free to use! It's really quite amazing, a simple three step system. They offer great templates to use for free, you can create your own text, choose font and colours add your own clipart or you can completely design your own banner. By this I mean, by doing your own graphics, for my banner I drew my design on my tablet and then added my text! You can make several banners and then rotate them or put them wherever you want too! You should check this out, just click on the little icon on my blog that says 'Instant Banner Creator'. Have fun with it, I found it very enjoyable to work with and kind of addicting too! Shell's Designs

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