Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Funny Animal Designs

Well tomorrow is New Year's Eve... Do you have big plans or is it just a low key night at your house? Sometimes the home parties watching movies and eating great snacks is just the kind of relaxing you need! My husband and I are having brunch at some friends and then just doing a home night in the evening! I hope everyone has a 'Happy New Year' and keeps on working towards those dreams and goals!
I've been busy working on fresh designs for my store, lets see I did some funny animal characters and used them on cute birthday cards and valentine greeting cards. I've also done some pretty valentine designs. Come by my store for a look at the latest creations.

Quote: Happy are those who have big dreams and are ready to move towards them. You can dream it or you can do it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Oh Holy Night...

I belong to Saint Paul's Episcopal church. This is a scene from our service on Christmas Eve. Music, candles, and prayer made our Christmas worship experience meaningful.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Wishes

Well hard to believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Are you all ready? Got your wrapping and baking and dinner items ready to go? I believe I'm ready, did a little more baking yesterday and today was a cleaning day! Went to the gym this morning too, don't want to put the gym routines aside, it's important to keep up your physical exercise routine otherwise it can be hard to get back in the groove. Well I really want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and peace, love and joy for the new year! I've been working on designs for my store for Valentines, and birthdays. Pop by for a look if you like!

Quote: Love life, love people, share a little bit of yourself! You'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Baking up a Storm

Have you got your Christmas baking underway? I've been busy this last week making several different treats. Let's see I made Chocolate Toffee Squares, Toffee Almond Squares, Golden Butter Tarts, and Candy Cane Bark! The last 2 are my husbands favourites! Now the problem is every time we walk by the fridge those goodies are calling our names...I think it's alright to indulge as long as you keep on your fitness and exercise routine. I was at the gym at 8:30 this morning! I always feel better even if I have to drag my butt there sometimes! :-) Remember regular exercise can keep you feeling and looking younger for longer, and I think we all would like that! Anyhow, since I did all that baking, of course I photographed it and came up with some recipe greeting cards for my store. These are pretty cool as I've included a recipe inside the card! Pop by my store for a look, you can find them in the side bar under 'recipe greeting cards'!Shell's Designs Have a great week!

Quote: "Age does not cause one to get old, but inactivity can!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Altrusa International of Evansville Celebrates Forty Years!

Altrusa recently celebrated their fortieth anniversary. This picture was in the Evansville Courier on Sunday. Dr. Maria Hoover (honored guest), Birdie Harrison, Mary Winstead, Barbara Barrett and I are posing for the picture at beginning of the party.
Many people ask me, "What is Altrusa?" So I thought I'd quote the Principles of Altrusa written in 1917 by Mamie L Bass, the first President of this organization.

Altrusa is a builder of women.
Altrusa is an expression of the search for the best in character, in business and in citizenship.
Election to Altrusa is an evidence of confidence which imposes upon the recipient the obligation to strive to be true to the highest standards of life in her personal and business relations.
Altrusa,in the very derivation of its name, is committed to the philosophy of unselfishness, of the joy of giving rather than getting, and to the search for that happiness which is based upon spiritual worthines.
Altrusa is practical idealism. Its service consists not in saying great things, but in daily earnest practice of its principles.
Altrusa commends to its members an active interest in public affairs, realizing that the State is but the individual writ large.
Altrusa develops true leadership, concerned with accomplishment and not with recognition.
Membership carries with it no obligation to transact business with other members. It makes no promise of returns in any commercial species. Its rewards are in proportion to the loyalty, the unselfishness and the character of the member herself.
Altrusa expresses goodwill for all mankind. It emphasizes the good and lets the evil sink into the oblivion it merits.
Altrusa is democratic; it knows no class, no favorites, but is founded upon merit alone.
Altrusa believes that the way to progress lies not in emphasizing the faults of men and their failures to give proper recognition, at times, to women in business, but rather in arousing women to their responsibilities and their possibilities, so that their accomplishments will blaze the trail for greater things.
Altrusa believes it is not enough to be good; Altrusans must be good for something. Each member must be doing the piece of work that is hers in a way that puts her in the front ranks of accomplishment."

To find out more, you can go to or seek us out on Facebook and even on our blog . Altrusa does many wonderful things for others, and I can tell you the club here in Evansville is full of some of the warmest, most compassionate people you'll ever find.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Smile, Laugh and Stay Positve

Just a reminder that as each of us gets busier this time of year be sure to remember to smile, laugh and stay positive as you're in the midst of shopping, baking, wrapping, etc. A cheerful spirit goes a long way and happy thoughts can keep you balanced! I've been busy again coming up with new designs and adding more products to my store. Zazzle is on it's 7th day of sales. 30% off totebags today. A new sale will be on tomorrow, so pop by to see what deals there are!

Quote: "Good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another person up."

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Napoleon Peacock was at Washington Square Mall

Napoleon Peacock was at the mall and so were Evansville children with their parents and/or grandparents. Don't tell my kids this, but I've decided I'm looking forward to being a grandmother. Little kids are so much fun! Of course when my children were young there were some days I felt like I'd been hit by a truck I was so worn out. For the most part, though, I had wonderful time. Kids love stories. So do I. Reading with my children was very important to me. I read to them all individually as well as together. They grew to enjoy books and read to this day. We sought out storytimes at the libraries and "Events" similiar to Napoleon Peacock's B.E.S.T. for the Brain Party. B.E.S.T. stands for Breakfast, Exercise, and Sleep Time. Napoleon's party had something for children to do in each of those areas. When people first arrived they were greeted with Create A Breakfast and a Breakfast Walk. There was Scarf Dancing, an Obstacle Course, and the game "Napoleon Says". They also had a Story Telling Tent and a Play Acting Area. That's the sort of thing to involve children in; it means more than you'd think. The kids even got to take home a free book. Napoleon Peacock books are especially nice for those young families living in Evansville because the setting for the stories are from our local area. All I can say is, my children would have loved that! I think Daycare Providers should pay attention to this too! After all, a lot of children spend a fair amount of time at Daycare... Encourage reading and other good habits when they're young and they'll embrace them and treasure them for the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Frosty Morning

Looked outside this morning and the vehicles are all covered in frost. I guess those days of ice scraping are beginning... oh for a warm holiday, guess I'll have to wait a few months for that!
Big one day Sale at Zazzle today... free shipping on all purchases, no minimum. Use code HOLIDAYSHIPS. Some awesome deals, I just purchased some Christmas cards and t-shirts for gifts for my family and friends! Pop by my store and see what I've been up too! Always adding fresh designs...

Quote for the week: "Great works are performed, not by strength but by perserverance" - Samuel Johnson