Saturday, August 29, 2009

I want to one day become a published author. Big dream, right? Well, they say that one of the things writers are supposed to do if they want to be published is blog. "Sigh" Fine.

I've decided I will try to share the more interesting aspects of my life in this blog. And, since I am an avid YA reader, I may be tempted to give my opinion on a book or two. Someone told me I should read at least 100 books in the genre I'm writing in. Made sense to me. So--I've been keeping track of the books I've read since Christmas 2008 and am up to b00k seventy eight. I'm also taking little notes on them. It does help with the writing process I think.

I ask my readers to please forgive me for my dyslexic tendencies. As a writer, I realize how important grammar and punctuation is. My husband proofs the work I send in to publishers. This blog is without that aide.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hard to believe we are approaching fall. Yikes, I said it! The temperatures in the mornings are getting much cooler already and it's getting dark much earlier each evening! I love the fall season. The air is so crisp and everything smells so fresh outside! Going for walks and admiring all the beautiful colors of nature is amazing! I have been busy creating designs for my store. Just finished another beautiful Christmas article. If you love decorating you'll have to check this out too, I included lots of great photos and ideas to inspire you! You can find it in the sidebar under my Squidoo Holiday Lenses!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This week it's the t-shirts sale at Zazzle. Back to School Sale - Week 3! $3 off all t-shirts! Use Code: BTSTSHIRTS09 You can stock up on some great designs for the fall season. Of course, kids love t-shirts in all seasons!
I've been working on some cartoon designs again this week. Designed some adorable pink elephants that I added to cards, postage and toddler t-shirts. Very cute!
This week the 'rocketmoms' were asked to write a lens on a favourite childhood toy! Well that really got me thinkin'! I ended up doing 3 lenses on childhood toys! What fun! The first one on Paper Dolls, then Lego, and finally Tinkertoys! Do those bring back memories for you? You can find the links in the sidebar under my Squidoo lenses if you'd like to check them out! Have a great week!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Turtle Talk

Well we finally got some rain this morning! It was a pretty good downpour, didn't last that long but sure freshened things up! Zazzle is on it's second week of back to school sales. Buy 1 poster get one free. Use Code: BTSPOSTERS09. There are some pretty cool posters by some talented artists! This week I've been working on cartoon animals. Ya, you guessed it, it's turtles! I know generally we don't think of turtles as the cutest animals on the planet but as cartoons they sure are cute and appealing! Above are some of my latest creations! Enjoy! Have a great day, and remember 'Every day is a gift from God' so be joyful in your circumstances! :-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Zazzle Back To School Sale

It's getting close to the time were parents and kids are filling the malls and stores for those 'back to school' clothes and accessories. Why not shop from the comfort of home for some great original designs on Zazzle. Here is there sale:
Back to School Sale - Week 1 40% off skateboards, 20% off bags, and 10% off mugs! Use Code: BTS40OFFSALE
I have been busy working on lots of different designs! This past week I've been working on these adorable teddybears. They look so cute on t-shirts for toddlers and baby's! I have also put them on stickers and baby shower postage! Pop by my store for a look around! Hope you enjoy them!