Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chocolate Designs

Well it's the weekend! Yeah, although I have to tackle some house cleaning and catch up on the laundry. Counting down the days to our Hawaii vacation, less than 2 weeks now! I'm not one for going to tanning salons but because I am generally fair skinned I've been told to definitely get a base tan so I don't burn in Hawaii. So I'm off for a tan today too, this is my fourth visit so getting used to it now! The first time was pretty freaky, I went in the stand up booth as I thought I would be too clostrophobic in the laydown bed! It's working well, I'm getting brown! Don't think I'll take to doing this regularly though but to prepare for a hot vacation, I'm okay with that! :-) Any regular tanners out there?!
I've been working on different designs for my zazzle store, designs of coffee and chocolate flooding my mind! I created some cute chocolate t-shirts, great for birthday gifts or for ourselve! Also some fun mugs that would make great gifts for co-workers and friends birthdays too! Come have a look!
Shell's Designs

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nature Walk

Just came back from a great walk with my hubby! It's a beautiful day, the sun is out and it's about 12 degrees. A nice temperature for this time of year.
I've just finished an article all about chocolate, it has several different recipes. My favourite chocolate cake recipe, very easy to follow and can be done in one bowl! If you love chocolate you should check this out! Chocolate Cake Recipe and More
For my zazzle store I've been working on a few different designs, Shell's Designs

Monday, February 16, 2009

Coffee Time

Well the coffee is on and boy does it smell good! It's the usual 'starbucks' like no other! I've been running around today buying a few things for our 'Hawaii' trip. The countdown is on, lets see 25 days to go! Just got us all watershoes as we were told that they are a good idea to wear in the water and under your flippers when snorkeling. Oh, snorkeling, I have to admit I'm a little nervous about that. I'm not the biggest water fan but my husband and boys sure are! The guys all want to try surfing, body boarding and skim boarding and lots of snorkeling too!
I've been working on some articles and updating some of my older ones! My home decorating article has been getting lots of hits lately. If you like fresh ideas for your home come check it out! Home Decorating I've been working on lots of different designs for my store. Designing lots of 'green' products. I guess because it has been in the news so much lately! Obama is a big promoter of the green agenda! That's it for now!Shell's Designs

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Beautiful Business Cards

I designed myself some business cards on Zazzle and just received them in the mail yesterday! I am very pleased with the quality and how they turned out! Very nice! Can't wait to start handing them out to friends and businesses and so forth! If you're in the market for business cards or profile cards check out my zazzle store for some great lookin' designs and photography! You can add all your own information and change the fonts!

In honour of the day, Happy Valentines all! Hope you got lots of love happening in your lives! Can't wait to cook a Valentines dinner with my hubby! We picked out an awesome recipe this morning and he is out at the market picking up the ingredients!

I've been busy creating and drawing green designs and some really pretty flowers for products for my store! Hope you like them!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some Fresh Designs

Well it's been a busy week! I've been working on several new designs. I think I am desperately longing for spring as I created several cheery spring designs. Lots of pretty flowers and bright exciting colors. Also been working on designs for my 'Green' theme. Always thinking of new ideas and ways to reduce pollution and recycle. Shells Designs

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gym Workouts

Life is keeping me busy! Went to the gym last night for a workout! I've been going very regularly lately, about 4 times a week! I have a good routine down now. I'm actually really enjoying my weight lifting workout and the cardio is not too bad either. I did the stair master last night, my buns are a little sore today! Oh well, you know the saying "no pain, no gain". Got to get beach ready for Hawaii in March! Yes!!
Just finished working on an article on 'Marriage Building' this morning! Just have a little tweaking to do! Had some sales on Valentines t-shirts and products this morning too! That was nice to see! I've been creating some designs using my ocean photography! Hope you like them! Shell's Designs