Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Over

Awe... the cleanse is over! That took great discipline but very glad I went through with it! I would definitely recommend this particular lemon cleanse if you're looking to do one! Actually now, several of our friends are asking for the recipe and are wanting to try it! Now it's just slowly getting back to regular eating, takes a little time as your stomach feels full much sooner and needs simple foods to digest at first! Anyhow now I have to get inspired and come up with some creative ideas for my store! I created some cute "Joy" Christmas cards yesterday! The O in Joy is an ornament with a little frosty design on it! I also did some other Christmas cards with whimsical trees for the winter season! Pop in and have a look around, grab a coffee or whatever! :-)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Lemon Cleanse

It's the third day of the Lemon Cleanse otherwise known as the MasterCleanse! My husband and I started this 3 days ago! It's to remove toxins, germs, (gunky buildup) :-)We are just doing it for 3 days and incorporating juice and soup back into the diet on the fourth day! So just have to get through today! We make the mixture of fresh lemons, pure maple syrup and cayenne pepper in the morning and then we drink six glasses throughout the day! At first it didn't taste too bad but at the end of yesterday it got really hard to down the juice. No food is allowed! Today is no better, I'll be glad when we are finished! However, I have lost 6 lbs. so far and my husband has lost 9 lbs. My stomach is so flat, I love that! I am feeling really hungry right now, so I should get back to designing to distract myself from food once again! Has anyone else done a cleanse like this? If so, how was it? I will post some of my lastest creations that I've been working on! I've been designing adorable snowmen with different colored hats and scarfs! Really cute on t-shirts, postage and today I will be working on some Christmas cards! Chat again soon!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ornaments Galore

I went a little crazy with these ornament designs! I thought they were really pretty so I put them on several different products! You will find them on t-shirts, postage stamps, mugs, magnets and stickers! I really had fun creating these, changing there colours and so forth! Sometimes I don't know where the ideas come from but I'm sure glad when they come together! It's kind of putting me in the decorating mood! I do love to decorate my home for Christmas but I don't do that until around December 1st! Anyhow come by my store and see my designs! I'll post some here too, of course! Time to get some laundry in! Will chat soon!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been in the decluttering and organizing frame of mind the last few days! I am a bit of neat freak and like our home to be tidy which it is pretty much! I do however have three boys, 20, 19, and 16... hmmm enough said, right! No, actually they are not too bad, at least their messes are in their own rooms, and every week or so they get sick of there mess and clean it up! I did go through the downstairs family room and the guys were quite willing to get rid of lots of things they no longer use! So that felt great!
Last night I did spend some time creating and drawing! Some more snowmen,and Christmas ideas that popped into my head! I can't believe the stores already have Christmas items out and haven't even cleared the Halloween things away yet! It seem earlier every year, but I think Christmas designs will be a pretty regular thing to design now as people start shopping and looking for unique gifts for their friends and family! So come on by and check out what I've been up too! Have an awesome day and remember to smile often, it takes years off! :-)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Great Concert

Last night my husband and I went to a great music concert! The Wilkensons, they are well known on the country music scene. We aren't really into country music but I was really glad we went as it was really well done! For those who don't know it is a team of Father, Daughter and Son. They had great harmonies and Amanda has beautiful tones to her voice! I just love music and singing! I grew up with lots of music in my family!
Well I've been creating snowmen again, big 'frosty' faces and some comical designs. I came up with this idea of a snowman half built with his head still on the ground! (I know it sounds funny, but it's cool!) Then I put this cool saying with it, "some assembly required..." My husband liked the design! Come to my store and see what I've been up too!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Frosty Morning

Wow, it's nippy outside this morning, just came home from dropping my 16 year old at school! Just sitting down with my starbucks coffee, no I didn't stop at one but we buy the starbucks beans and grind them ourselves, it actually tastes better at home! My husband just loves starbucks, he's an Americano fan, too strong for me! I prefer a latte, or chai tea! :-) Well I have been creating designs for Christmas, for some reason snowmen have been on my mind,(maybe because it's so cold out) I think I have always loved snowmen, I remember as a child I couldn't wait for the "Frosty the Snowman Special" to come on, awe...memories! So I designed a cute snow couple and I will be creating items using them hopefully today or tomorrow! I created a cute snoman in a sleigh with a sack full of gifts and a little christmas tree, making some deliveries! A whimsical fun design! Hope you all have a great day!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We'll for us here in Canada it's Thanksgiving this weekend! We celebrate it quite abit earlier than the U.S. So I'll be cooking the turkey dinner on Monday for our family! Can't wait for those yams and mashed potatoes and gravy, and don't forget the pumpkin pie! Wow, I'm getting hungry as I talk about it!
This last week I've been designing items for my store with animals(cartoonish)drawings. I did some really cool owls, have had lots of compliments on them, they really look good on t-shirts, and I came up with some great sayings to go with them! You know like, "Who gives a hoot!" and "Who,who,who do you think you are!""Don't be so owly" There are a lot of good ones to use! I also designed some great bird shirts and magnets ect. I will post a couple here, but for a better look stop by my store and check them out! Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving and have an awesome day! P.S. The sun is shining here right now, gorgeous!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween Items

We'll my son came home from school today and was talking about getting a costume together for school! Five friends are dressing up as the characters from "AnchorMan". So he informed me he will be needing a suit, ect. I'm not too big on Halloween but we do get a lot of kids trick or treating in our neighborhood! I think last year we had about 180! Anyone else get that many at your door? Stickers are a fun item to give to kids instead of the usual candy! Here are a couple from my store!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Keep it Green

I've been busy designing items with a 'Green' theme lately! My husband has been reading a book about the environment and we have been having a lot of conversations around the future of the earth! Now is really the time to make changes in our behaviour towards the environment! So many things we do or don't do will affect the future for our children and their children and so on... I've been trying to think more 'Green' these days! I just came up with a neat design for t-shirts and magnets,ect. Says 'Keep it Green' I think I'll post one here so all can see, for more green designs come and visit my store. Have an awesome weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October morning

It's a crisp October morning! We are supposed to have rain for the next few days! I guess it's time to put away the toeless shoes and sandals for good! Always a sad thing! Does anyone else love to live in their summer footwear?
I've been working a lot on designs for my Zazzle store. Yesterday I posted some great shirts for the guy who loves fishing. Once I had the design on the shirts I added some cool sayings in a neat font! I think they turned out pretty good! I've also been working continuously on Christmas designs, that will be the big push for the next couple of months! It should be interesting going through a Christmas season to see how business does in my store! I hope the sales keep coming! It can be a guessing came to try and come up with a great design that interests a lot of different people! So much versatility out there! Anyhow I better get to work, it's the office job today! Long day, usually work til 8pm and I am exhausted by the time I get home, so got my blog done early today! Chat again soon!